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Senior Wordpress Developer / Team Lead
Apr. 2011 - Jul. 2011
$1,403.56 (126 hrs @ $11.11/hr)
Fed did a great job for us. Certainly a certified senior developer since he knows what is bad or good codes. Very familiar with most of the plugins and can easily integrate to the website. He knows all the in's and out's of wordpress and you will be amazed!

Jquery slider like Mar. 2011 - Mar. 2011 $100.00 (fixed-price) Thanks Federico.

Programmer Feb. 2011 - Mar. 2011 $78.53 (9 hrs @ $8.89/hr) Fed is an excellent programmer, who is versatile and resourceful in completing given tasks. Fed is also a friendly and approachable individual who will be more than happy to redo or rethink a design if you are not 100% satisfied. Thankyou Fed

Wordpress, theme setup and modificationNov. 2010 - Dec. 2010 $30.00 (fixed-price) Federico was able to complete my task in wordpress quickly and competently, he is a pleasure to work with and i would certainly use again.

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